Fat tissue – things you should know.

Not all fat cells are the same and, above all, they are much more than the extra baggage we like to reduce them to. SLIMYONIK® informs you about the types, structure and functions of fat tissue.

Bad fat? 

For all those who want to lose weight: The body constantly breaks down fat cells but replaces them just as quickly. The amount of fat changes due to cell expansion. Diets can only reduce the fat content per cell, not fat tissue itself.

Despite the ubiquitous portrayal of fat tissue as the enemy, its many forms fulfil important functions in our body. Only excess fat is unhealthy, often caused by a poor diet and lack of exercise. Fat tissue, which consists of adipocytes, stores fat and releases it when needed. Physiologically, a distinction is made between white and brown adipose tissue, whereby the latter only plays a subordinate role in adults.

White fat tissue has various functions:


The proportion of storage or depot fat varies between the sexes and, depending on the fitness level, between 5% and 50%. It is mainly stored in subcutaneous tissue, with the largest deposits on the belly and bottom.


Fat tissue serves as a “crumple zone” against pressure loads on various parts of our body. It protects frequently stressed areas such as the bottom, sensitive areas such as joints, and it supports the eyeballs. This so-called structural fat is the most durable because it is so essential for us.


Fat is a worse heat conductor than other tissues. It therefore serves as an insulating layer in subcutaneous tissue, slowing down the loss of body heat.


Fat tissue is essential for energy metabolism as it can release hormone-like substances such as leptin.

Too much of a good thing? Drink something better. SLIMYONIK® Natural Beauty and Body Shake.

The vegan SLIMYONIK® Natural Beauty and Body Shake is the perfect companion for a weight-controlling diet. It consists of 100 % plant-based protein, that is, healthy proteins that help you get full without weighing you down. 

Interesting facts about the body & nutrition